NOTIS ltd is a software company specialised in geospatial analysis.
Company Sector
NOTIS ltd is a software company specialised in geospatial analysis.
The company provides new ways to simplify traditional geospatial data analysis and enhance the quality of the results.
The company currently provides these software platforms: NOTIS is a national online transport information system which can be used to predict the distribution of traffic associated with a proposed development.
Primarily designed for the preparation of Transport Assessments, the user friendly system can also be adapted for other assessments e.g. Noise and Air Quality Assessments. Please visit our website- for details. ISOCHRONES allows the creation of isochrones instantly based on actual distance or time by different modes of travel. It is a useful tool for site accessibility study and site selection.
To find out how your company would benefit from locating to NETPark please contact Sara Williams, on 01740 625 250 or email
NETPark Plexus, Thomas Wright Way, Sedgefield, County Durham, TS21 3FD
Contact Details
+44 (0) 1740 669086
NETPark Location
Plexus 2