Enerus provide engineering and consultancy services to the energy industry, including offshore, renewable and commercial heating.
Company Sector
Engineering, Technology
Enerus provide engineering and consultancy services to the energy industry, including offshore, renewable and commercial heating. Cleaner, safer, smarter solutions. Finding new ways to cut carbon emissions, whilst driving cost reduction for our clients. We believe sustainable engineering doesn’t need to cost the earth. Industry transforming innovation; design, installation and commissioning of radical new energy products. Redesigning what we know, for a future we don’t. We are energy technology.

To find out how your company would benefit from locating to NETPark please contact Sara Williams, on 01740 625 250 or email sara.williams@durham.gov.uk
NETPark Plexus, Thomas Wright Way, Sedgefield, County Durham, TS21 3FD
Contact Details
+44 (0) 1740 669585
NETPark Location
Plexus 2